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Cheese Curds, 5/16: On Aaron Rodgers’ love of Wisconsin & eating habits

Related Topics: Aaron Rodgers, Wisconsin, Cheese

Aaron Rodgers has been spotted supporting teams across the state of Wisconsin in recent offseasons, showing his face in support of the Milwaukee Bucks and Wisconsin Badgers men’s basketball teams in particular. This week we’re learning that this is more than just pandering to a shared fan base — at least that’s what Rodgers said in an awards acceptance speech over the weekend.

Furthermore, if Rodgers were just doing it to pander to his fans, wouldn’t he have kept quiet about taking all the dairy out of his diet? Admittedly, I cracked some jokes about that when it came out, but we now know that he has a completely legitimate rationale for doing so (beyond just the initially-reported explanation of it helping him stay in shape).