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Symetra Tour Championship brings euphoria, tears as LPGA Tour cards are settled

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – Rachel Rohanna escaped to her husband’s truck as the last few groups finished up at the Symetra Tour Championship. She’d done the math in her head and figured she’d came up $100 short in her quest for a 2016 LPGA card. Rohanna was prepared to go out and shake Haruka Morita-WanyaoLu’s hand and congratulate the teen on a terrific season. Morita-WanyaoLu, for her part, spent most of the time in agony near the 18th green, crying off and on.

It’s always an agonizing finish for a handful of players at the season finale. The top 10 players on the Symetra Tour money list earn LPGA cards.