GOLFWEEK'S JEFF BABINEAU HAS COVERED THE SPORT for three decades. On Saturday, in his "My Year in Golf" column, Babineau was "trying to recall a year as complete from start to finish as this one. It never let us down.
"It. Just. Kept. On. Delivering."
I've been watching golf just as long, and it's hard to disagree with Jeff's assessment. Read his full column here.
Included in his article was the best shot of the year. There's a good chance you've never heard of the player who hit it. Babineau wrote:
That said, considering what was on the line (a playing spot in the 2016 Masters at Augusta National), I confidently can state that I saw the very best shot in the world in 2015: Sammy Schmitz's ace at the 260-yard, par-4 15th hole at John's Island's West Course (Vero Beach, Fla.