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Another wild ride for past champ John Daly at the PGA Championship

TULSA, Okla. – Always colorful, never boring.

Shaggy John Daly produced yet another wild ride around a PGA Championship.


The 56-year-old two-time major champion, whose booming drives propelled him to win the PGA in 1991, drove the slopes and swales of Southern Hills in a golf cart the PGA allows him to use because of osteoarthritis in his right knee.

And first off the tee in the cool of morning, he quickly birdied the first hole. The came another on No. 5.

Nostalgia was in the air. Daly was on the leaderboard much of the round as he was greeted with cheers of “Go Big John” from a fan gallery that still loves his eccentric style, shock of thick white hair, bushy beard and a belly that hides his belt buckle.