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Will Lil B's curse scare Kevin Durant away from the Warriors this summer?

Related Topics: Lil B, Kevin Durant, Curse


Lil B, the Berkeley-born rapper and high wizard of life-altering curses, has a long history of beef with Kevin Durant. It's so long in fact, that then-Grantland writer Andrew Sharp chronicled the beef in pain staking fashion.This was in 2014.

You should read the whole article for some pretty amazing back and forth internetting from both the fine gentlemen, but if you only watch one thing, watch this:

Caution: Inappropriate language throughout but, also, it's hecka catchy and I like the production.

While Lil B's cursing eye eventually wandered onto more bearded terrains, the fact remains: Kevin Durant is, theoretically, still cursed by Lil B and will never win a championship until the curse is lifted.