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What if Steve Kerr, who expects protests in NBA, takes a knee?

Related Topics: Indulgence, Ellipsis, Steve Kerr

Steve Kerr made a bunch of sense Wednesday, which is not news. In fact, as he is probably one of 29 NBA coaches who would say the same things he did, this is especially not news.

And we say 29 only because there is never unanimity on any subject, ever. We Americans believe the 28th Amendment defends the right to argue about anything.

But Kerr was asked at Wednesday’s Warriors pre-camp presser about today's athletes and their greater willingness to speak on social issues, so he did. He explained Colin Kaepernick, the current disconnect between many black people and the police who choose to go street justice as opposed to actual policing, and the right of American citizens to not only protest, but choose the way to infuse that protest with life.