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I glimpsed our tech future: Brace yourself

Georgia Tech, which is pretty much the hottest job magnet in metro Atlanta these days, recently held a symposium on cool ways computers will change our world even more.

I visited hoping to find out how my life — and yours — will be different in the future. The takeaway: Brace yourself.

+I glimpsed our tech future: Brace yourself photo
What do you do when a robot grabs your TV remote? Georgia Tech is studying use of robots in various settings,

There were plenty of gee-whiz themes, like new ways to change our physical prowess (for example, fix color blindness), convey our emotions (lighted clothing or social texts that change colors automatically to read and signal our moods) or have others predict stuff about ourselves that we wouldn’t think possible (doctors determining a pregnant woman’s risk for postpartum depression based on her social media posts).