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From the Editor: It was a historic weekend in Athens where our fans and team united to thwart Tennessee’s claim to No. 1, yet one fourth of the regular season remains, which is why getting savage in StarVegas on Saturday is vital!

In our last issue, we celebrated the greatest sport on the planet (Hail to the Gridiron) in anticipation of what the Georgia-Tennessee game could be. And my, oh, my, what a spectacle it turned out to be for the entire Bulldog Nation … Dawgs 27 Vols 13.

Where shall I begin?

That’s easy since Bulldawg Illustrated has always been a fan publication and to say our fans delivered in Sanford Stadium doesn’t come close to doing it justice. It was a packed house for the Charley Trippi and Vince Dooley tributes and everyone in Red and Black never relented the entire afternoon/evening.