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Thursday Thoughts: On rumors and responsibility, and Florida-LSU fallout

Did you hear that rumor? That one from this week about that one star player getting suspended/injured? You probably did. Did you investigate it? If you did, you should probably have worked from "This is bullshit" rather than "Is this true?"; it's way easier to wade through the cesspool of crap that college football news has become by being skeptical rather than hopeful or gullible.

Calling what's transpired this week "reporting" is unfair to the form, in fact: This has been a week in which fans have apparently gone from gentle trolling to outright slander. Florida State fans apparently started a rumor about a Florida defensive player on Monday night, which begat a rumor about a Georgia offensive player on Monday night, and another one about a different Georgia player on Tuesday, and a rumor about a Florida State offensive player on Wednesday.