Greetings Owl Nation!
After some digging I finally found a rendering of the upcoming (hopefully) NW 5th Ave Student Apartments on the Corvue Holdings website (all rights to them, included here for commentary. Click on the link to see a larger version of the image). This may be a preliminary rendering and not represent the final product but for now, hey, look at that!
Here’s the site as it looked a few days ago:
This 8 acres of land is literally right across the El Rio canal from FAU’s campus:
(The blue boxed line represents a NW 5th Avenue connector that FAU wants to build; the purple boxed line is a connector road I think both parties (FAU and the developer) should agree to build because it could not only provide direct access from the new dorm to campus but would also provide a great traffic diversion for gamedays)
Some quick history on this project, as best as I can cobble together: the site above was the former home of Elysium, an adult living facility, and was sold for $4M in August 2013 (according to Redfin) to a developer named Campus Crest who was going to build a student housing project called “The Grove” there (as detailed in earlier blogs).