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Duke basketball saint Grayson Allen is victim, ESPN owes two apologies

When defecating foul takes concerning the latest foul from Duke basketball treasure and current Memphis Grizzlies guard Grayson Allen, ESPN announcers are consistently biased, off-base, and as out of line as unsupervised kindergartners waiting at the water fountain.

Fueling a false narrative every time.

Most times, forcing the foolishness further by branding the all-time winningest college basketball coach as morally inferior to themselves.

Close examination without blinders uncovers ESPN as a blowhard. A villain. Self-aggrandizing. Too big for its britches. Doesn’t play by the rules.

One of ESPN’s all-time favorite targets to unapologetically hold its nose up at as if he belongs behind bars, the 23-year-old Allen only ever plays exactly as Rudy practiced.