First of all, congratulations go out to the person and family of Brandon Ryan. It takes an adventourous, athletic, skilled, risk-taking man with an inability to get the ball more than three feet out of the infield to hit an infield triple. Oh, sorry Abner Doubledick, I know that this really isn't a triple. It's probably a single with two stolen bases. Remember, it's people like you and your WAR + OPS + Slugging - Babies Out of Wedlock + Diastolic blood pressure stat conversations about Ryan Braun that make other people hate baseball...and you of course.
Also, who let this nerd on a baseball field. I'm sure Oakland fans are just waiting for him to take off his glasses and turn into Superman or the Hulk or Spiderman assuming Peter Parker wore glasses. Instead, Eric keeps his specs on and hits .278. I kid Eric Sogard, and only because I care. That said, why haven't the A's sprang for some athletic glasses, or at least a pair of croakies. At least then he could throw on a bright shirt and pair of topsiders and double as your traditional southern douche (yeah, you five). Good work with those Sabertronics or whatever they're called Billy Beane. Apparently there isn't a metric yet that quantifies a fielder's ability to stand next to a base so a baserunner can't take two extra bags on a weakly hit ball to deep short.