And Now for Something Completely Different, Women's Motocross

I know making fun of women's sports is old hat, passe or another phrase that means something similar to those two phrases, but, really ladies?

This has to be a joke right? This has to be ESPN's first attempt at humor which doesn't involve an obviously white Stuart Scott doning a black face night after night for years to appeal to the "urban demographic." There is no chance that any of these women has ridden a motorcycle before. I would like to see Sheryl Swoopes watch that video and not laugh. This has absolutely nothing to do with chauvinism and everything to do with a woman riding over a log and tumbling 20 feet of a table top, face first into mud.

Just watch that again as Martinez falls coming out of the rock section and try not to chortle when the announcer says "Martinez, with her problems, on her way to a bronze medal."  By my count, that would mean Martinez beat 4 other riders.  For their sake I hope they died during the race.  I don't want anyone to have to live with that type of shame.  There are special Olympians watching this video getting pissed that Martinez walked away with a bronze medal.  The more I type the more I cement my place in hell, so I'm done with this video, but not before one more watch...



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