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Player Grades: Xavier Ouellet

Related Topics: Xavier Ouellet, Bayonne

Born: July 29, 1993, Bayonne, France (age 25)

Height, Weight: 6’1”, 208lbs

Position: Defense

Contract: 1 year remaining, AAV $1.25 million (RFA in 2019)

Games Played: 45

Goals: 0

Assists: 7

TOI/G: 13:51 (down ~4 minutes a game from 2016-17

5v5 CF%: 51.6%

Here’s what Mike wrote in the season preview article:

The silver lining in all this is that Ouellet is only 24. As far as defensemen go, he still has some time before he “is what he is”, although that point is looming on the horizon.