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Charlie Villanueva’s house burglarized and robbers took...his toilet

It’s got to be a tough feeling. Coming home and seeing your house ransacked. Appliances all gone.

But for Charlie Villanueva, it went even further.

I move they be dubbed the Shitty Bandits.

I’m still in shock of the things they stole ‍u2642ufe0f ‍u2642ufe0f ‍u2642ufe0f ‍u2642ufe0f ‍u2642ufe0f but the one that stand out the most is a toilet...... Bro a toilet, can’t get my mind off that. A toilet..... Wow

— Charlie Villanueva (@CVBelieve) December 20, 2017

We’re with you CV. Hope they find your toilet.