Back in 1996, during his days as a student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Detroit Lions head coach Matt Patricia was accused and indicted of sexual assault against a 21-year-old, according to a recent story from The Detroit News.
Patricia, who was 21-years-old at the time, and his friend, Greg Dietrich (22), were arrested and released on $20,000 bond following the charges. They were then summonsed to court. However, on the day the trial was supposed to pick a jury, the alleged victim did not show, and the case was immediately dismissed.
Details are scant on the allegations, but here’s what we know according to court records and news outlets at the time (via The Detroit News):
On the evening of March 15, 1996, the woman told police that two men burst into the upscale hotel room where she was sleeping and took turns violently sexually assaulting her, according to court records and a news account at the time.