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2017 Detroit Lions roster review: Will Paul Worrilow be the veteran linebacker again in 2018?

Our 2017 roster review will reexamine the Lions’ roster and how it played out last season. We’ll take a look at expectations, performance and potential role in the future.

Today, we continue our discussion with Detroit Lions linebacker Paul Worrilow.

Paul Worrilow

Expectations before 2017

After a disastrous 2016 season from the Detroit Lions linebackers, the bar was set incredibly low for 2017. That being said, there were plenty of people worried about what Worrilow’s role would be with the team this season. Once the Lions cut ties with DeAndre Levy and replaced him with a player who Falcons fans said “gets roasted in coverage by even marginal athletes at RB and TE,” there were some major concerns that Worrilow could possibly make Detroit’s linebacking squad even worse in 2017.