Follow your favorite Detroit Lions players on Twitter!

We here at Chat Sports have done the heavy lifting for you, and give you (below) your favorite Lions players Twitter names so you can track your favorite players every move. Go to Twitter and “follow” these players twitter accounts yourself. It’s very easy to do and fun to use! Here are a all the accounts you need to get started. Or you can come to our Lions page and follow all of them in one place plus all the latest rumors and breaking news!

Brandon McDonald : @IMJUSBMAC

Bryant Johnson : @B_Johnson80

Caleb Campbell : @LT_Campbell53

Clavin Johnson : @Bigplaycj

Cliff Avril : @cliffavril


Derrick Williams : @DWheelz12

Drew Stanton : @drewstanton

Erik Coleman : @Erikcoleman26

Isaiah Ekejiuba : @Ekejiuba50

Jack Williams : @G5Jack

Jahvid Best : @J4hvidbest

Jason Fox : @JasonFox70

Jerome Felton : @jfelton45

Joe Jon Finley : @Yaboyjoejon

Jonathan Hefney : @hefney23

Kevin Smith : @kevinsmith34

Korey Bosworth : @KoreyBosworth

Lawerence Jackson : @LoJackson94

Louis Delmas : @LouisD_26

Matthew Stanfford : @Staff_9

Mike Moore : @MikeMoore17

Nate Burleson : @Nate13Burleson

Ndamukong Suh : @ndamukong_suh

Rob Sims : @robasims

TJ Rushing : @TJRushing20

Zack Follett : @ZakarianFollett

Chat Sports : @ChatSports

Chat Lions : @ChatLions

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