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The Squeeze: Von meets Vonn

Related Topics: Lindsey Vonn, meets

1. Von meets Vonn

Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn checked out the defending Super Bowl champs Saturday in their last home preseason game against the Rams.

Afterward, Vonn had to meet the Super Bowl 50 MVP to determine who's the better Von(n), right?!

2. Waking up after a victory like ...

There's no better feeling than waking up after a win, even if it's just preseason.

Lords know thank you for another day uf64fuf3feuf3c8uf4af

— Cj Anderson (@cjandersonb22) August 28, 2016

Felt good getting a little more action & playing against my old squad

Darian Stewart (@darianstewart26) August 28, 2016
