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D.C. United prepares for preseason and we discuss their formations: Filibuster

With preseason less than a week away, the Filibuster crew is really digging in for 2018. In the first segment (8:34), Adam, Jason, and Ben talk about the rumor that Gonzalo Veron is headed back to Argentina (and not signing with D.C. United). That leads us into a discussion of the two positions at which D.C. United needs the most help right now: striker and fullback.

In the second segment (36:59), we take a look at the players that United currently has and goes through a long list of possible formations. This includes much more likely formations such as the 4-2-3-1 and the 4-3-3, and much, much less likely formations such as Ben’s suggested (joked) 3-4-3 that employs 0 wingbacks.