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Dallas Stars Daily Links: What a Crazy Day

That’s right: Tyler Seguin finally signed an extension. Not only that, but he took a hometown discount with an AAV of (only) $9.85M:

Seguin On getting to a number: “I wanted something fair but I also didn’t want to handcuff my team.”

— Saad Yousuf (@SaadYousuf126) September 13, 2018

You can watch Seguin speak to the media about the extension here:

If you want an abridged version, Mike Heika has got you covered: [NHL]

Other Stars News

Lost in the shuffle yesterday was word that the Stars signed Traverse City breakout star Ben Gleason to an ELC:

You can read all about Gleason and his tournament showing in Sean Shapiro’s piece from Wednesday: [The Athletic]

In case you were curious about who would be wearing a letter this year:

Minor note out of today.