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Dallas Stars Daily Links: Stu Barnes Wants to Pump Up the Power Play

Related Topics: Stu Barnes, Dallas Stars

Former Dallas Stars player Stu Barnes is back on the job for another stint as assistant coach, and he’s already starting work on the team’s intermittently struggling power play.

Mark Stepneski talked with Stuuuuuuuuu! about why he’s coming back for his second stint as an assistant bench boss:

"I wanted to just take a step back for a couple of years and be around my kids, and then as they got older I wanted to get back involved," Barnes said during an interview during draft weekend in Chicago.

"I knew what a great league it was and how special it is to be involved and I think when you step away and you look at it, you really realize what a good bunch of people it is that are involved in the league and good friendships you develop," he added.