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Meet Dirk Nowoofski, the Great Dane with the best name ever

It's possible that the only thing the MMB staff likes to discuss as much as basketball is the adorable hijinks of staffers' dogs. So, we were MEGA PSYCHED when we stumbled across the Twitter feed of one Dirk Nowoofki, a Great Dane who lives in Illinois and has a talent for steals (like his namesake) and a strong Twitter game.

So you may be asking yourself, "In what other ways is Dirk Nowoofski similar to Dirk Nowitski?" Well, I scrolled through Dirk the Dane's entire twitter feed in order to answer that question (#investigativejournalism), so let's take a look:

They both look amazing in blue

— Dirk Nowoofski (@DirkTheDane) January 7, 2015

dirk blue
dirk blue

They both have signature moves.