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Dinwiddie’s tribute to Powell galvanizes Mavericks

Related Topics: Spencer Dinwiddie, Jason Kidd

Razzing, needling, hurling barbs. Whatever you want to call it, hassling teammates is one of the NBA’s No. 1 hobbies.

No matter how much grief you think you get at your office, it’s way more than that in an NBA locker room.

That’s what made Spencer Dinwiddie’s extended monologue about Dwight Powell after Wednesday’s 103-100 win over Utah so riveting.

In fact, it was such a refreshing, heartfelt interview session that coach Jason Kidd elected to show the video clip to the Mavericks before their film session at Thursday’s practice.

In it, Dinwiddie went on for about four minutes, unprompted, to thank Powell for doing “a glory-less job that allows guys like Luka (Donu010diu0107) and myself to be able to make plays.