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Cowboys’ Latest Roster Transactions

The Cowboys have been busy making roster moves, which is really the nature of the NFL. I would expect the Cowboys to keep the roster moves coming. For now, here are the latest roster transactions:

  • Signed LB Will Smith
  • Signed LB Keith Smith
  • Signed LB Justin Anderson
  • Signed RB Gus Johnson
  • Signed C Ronald Patrick
  • Waived RB Ryan Williams
  • Waived LB Cam Lawrence
  • LB Keith Rivers retired
  • Placed Darren McFadden, and Rolando McClain on PUP
  • Placed Chaz Green, Mark Nzeocha, and Shane McDermott on active/non-football injury list
  • Placed Jeremy Mincey on did not report to training camp list and faces fines for each day missed.