Unsuspended, diving effort. Poetry in motion. Call it anything you desire, but lost in the late-game, overtime Cowboys' heroics was the individual effort put forth by Pokes' #1 receiver, Miles Austin. It had a very strong resemblance to his put me on-the-map showcase a few years back in Kansas City. It was that kind of "mount-up" effort that brought the Cowboys back from a never-should-have-been-close contest with the Bay City Rollers. Taking absolutely nothing away from the next two mentions, Austin was the "consistent thread" that knitted together this "must have" victory in Week 2. The man's potential is limitless, but his propensity to find pine is equally as limitless at this juncture in his career. That MUST change long-term, and having him removed from a potential offensive juggernaut for the next 4-6 weeks is very unsettling. Especially with Brother Dez, running opposite flank, not being able to apply any pressure to his injured quad/hammy. Tip of the cap to the pride of Monmouth. Get back quick.....
Speaking of quick returns, what can you say about back-to-back performances from the Cowboys' Field General? Due to an unfortunate 5 minute, melt-down in NYC on opening day, Tony Romo had to somehow justify his mere existence to the entire football-watching world. Amazing where thoughts will take you when witness to one of the most courageous Cowboys' performances since Emmitt Smith toting the rock in the Meadowlands with a broken wing. The main thought, as crazy as it may sound, was?
I hope and pray Mr. Romo doesn't have allergies or hay fever. It certainly is that time of year, and if you happen to be one of those sufferers, try throwing a fractured, dislocated or broken rib-fest into the mix. Can I get a witness? Feel free to substitute coughing if need be, but either way, this little mishap to the left will almost equal a charging and connecting Brian Orakpo.
Yes, it hurts that much. Play him or not on Monday night against the visiting Redskins, Tony Romo is going to feel EVERYTHING for quite a while. So the question really becomes, "How much can he tolerate?" Do not question #9's heart. For anyone who has ever experienced this affliction, nothing more needs to be said. It's horrendous when John Q. Public cracks a rack, but a NFL QB? Forget it........
Speaking of forgetting, Sunday afternoon's game will NEVER be forgotten by Mr. Fourth and Long. Hollywood, even though several hours to the South of The Bay, couldn't craft better scripts with final endings played so eloquently by Jesse Holley. There are things in life that are just supposed to happen, and Holley's heroics certainly rank right up there with most deserving of opportunities. Reality show survivor to game winner. Not certain anyone can properly ascertain the many hours, days and years Holley has put in just to remain affiliated, let alone see the playing field. He'll be the first to tell you, "Never give up on your dreams, and thank the Holy Father for all chances, small and grandiose." An hour or so before the now-famous game-deciding toss, Tony Romo had meaningful conversation with Jesse Holley on the Cowboys' sideline. It would have been most interesting to hear the exchange for no crystal ball was spotted between the two players. Suffice it to say, following his most important Dallas Cowboys' contribution to date, Holley would certainly tell all, "This makes it all worthwhile." Way to go, J. Holley!!
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