It was this play that led to Sean Lee being named NFC Defensive Player of the Week in December of last year. It was about this time that the Dallas Cowboys also realized they had a potential star in the making. With ILB Keith Brooking logging playing time and racking up calendar days, the "Heir Apparent" talk started percolating at Valley Ranch. Adding fuel to the fire was the fact Steady Eddie, ILB Bradie James, was starting to slowly show signs of wear and tear as well. Play this game long enough, and those things are going to happen. Once Sean Lee was able to push aside the 'injury propensity,' attrition and succession planning became a reality. This has the appearance of 'text book form' when trying to usher in the new while gracefully phasing out the long-time veteran contributors. On paper and in the war room, this one was diagrammed perfectly by the Cowboys' Brass.
The kid was 'pegged' while roaming the second level in Happy Valley, and if looking for help in the defensive middle, there's no better place to turn than Linebacker U. As NFL history clearly shows, it's hard to go wrong with a Penn State product at the LB position. While Lee might not be Lavar Arrington or Brandon Short,
he sure bares a very strong resemblance to former greats Jack Hamm and Shane Conlan. Lee's size, on the slighter side for most ILB's, almost mirrors that of the two former Penn State greats, but whatever poundage Lee lacks, he sure makes up for in pure speed and lateral movement. If you can run, you don't need the bulk.
From NFC Defensive Player of the Week in 2010 to NFC Defensive Player of the Month in September 2011, Lee is starting to open eyes all around the League with his stellar play. It brings back memories, even though a different scheme and alignment, of when Jimmy Johnson had Robert Jones, Dixon Edwards and Darrin Smith running sideline to sideline in the early '90's. Lee is that kind of impact player, and if he remains healthy, he has a very bright future in front of him. You just know Jerry Jones, Jason Garrett, Rob Ryan and Tom Ciskowski have to be massively salivating over Lee's production, and at the same time there is probably more than a little snickering going on as well. "What's so funny?" you ask. This foursome has a little secret tucked away for future unveiling, and his name is Bruce Carter. Once Carter hits the field, after fully regaining his strength and speed, the Dallas Cowboys could have the most lethal 3-4 line-backing corps in the entire League.
Spencer/Butler, Ware, Lee and Carter paint a very rosy picture when it comes to the 2nd level of the Cowboys defense. Taking absolutely nothing away from the contributions of both Bradie James and Keith Brooking, it's hard not to be excited about the future of Linebacker U, Dallas style. There isn't one backer out of this group that won't be able to stay with a RB out of the backfield or be in position to corral a TE going down the seam. These guys will flat-out fly and make plays all over the field.
Sean Lee is one player, like Dan Bailey and Tyron Smith, that represents a building block and potential cornerstone for the Dallas Cowboys in the years to come. At only 25 years of age, the sky is the limit for this born-to-be football player. There are just some guys who have it in their blood, and Lee epitomizes everything you look for in a gridiron great. No, this isn't a NFL HOF enshrinement proclamation, but something says LeRoy Jordan and D.D. Lewis might be looking in with grins and approval ratings. The kid is showing potential to be 'that good.' If you haven't gotten a good look at the Cowboys ILB, turn on the tube and simply watch the pile. #50 seems to make an appearance in almost every frame. If the early returns are indicative of future results, 'Rock the Casbah' Sean Lee.
'Sean Lee......we like like it'
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