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Wilfried Zaha is thrilling, explosive and unpredictable. His career is at a crossroads with his Crystal Palace deal expiring this summer... so what next for the ultimate cage fighter?

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The true essence of south London's uncompromising football cages. These tight, grilled spaces create a thrill, a danger, a drive to survive with a ball. A house of 'ballers. Think of the Brazilian Ronaldinho with breathtakingly close control and blink-and-you-miss, unfathomable tricks. Think Wilfried Zaha.

These enclosed concrete football spaces appear all across inner-city South London, developing football jeopardy in safe spaces.

In many ways, describing them as cages is unjust; it suggests containment. That isn't true. What goes on in those enclosures can be ferocious, but also beautiful, balletic, chaotic, uncontained.

There was a time when English football had little room for such indulgence, but not any more.