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Tottenham and Man City play 12 TIMES over Christmas with just TWO days between games on average, while Leeds and West Ham have it the easiest... find out how busy YOUR club is during the festive period

The festive period is always extremely busy for Premier League clubs and this season things are set to be even more hectic due to the campaign having started later.

Especially for teams involved in European competitions and still in the Carabao Cup, this period will be extremely challenging, with managers having to make good use of their squads.

Sportsmail takes a look at who has it worst over the festive period, taking into account games from December 8th to January 18th.

The dates of many of these fixtures are subject to change.

Manchester United are among the Premier League clubs that are facing a hectic schedule


Number of games - 11

Days without a game - 31 (average of 3.