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There’s nothing worse than faking it. The dressing room smell it and that’s the start of the end... PATRICK VIEIRA tells MARTIN KEOWN what makes him tick as the pair revive the bromance that helped bring Arsenal three Premier League titles

Related Topics: Patrick Vieira, Martin Keown

We are only two words in when Patrick Vieira bursts out laughing. All Martin Keown has said is: 'So, Patrick…' But it has tickled Vieira to think his old Arsenal team-mate is here to interview him after all their years together. We are in Vieira's corner office at Crystal Palace's training ground.

There is no sense of a shrine here. Whereas other managers can turn their inner sanctuaries into personal museums, there is none of that from Vieira. No pictures. No medals. No memorabilia.

Only a tactics board, calendar, flipchart, sprinkling of stationery on the table and a copy of James Davies' Body: Simple Techniques and Strategies to Heal, Reset and Restore on the shelf.