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Leeds planning to write to the Premier League and PGMOL for clarity on VAR and the offside law after Patrick Bamford's effort against Crystal Palace was controversially disallowed

Leeds are planning to write to the Premier League and PGMOL requesting more clarity on VAR and the offside law after controversy over the Patrick Bamford goal ruled out at Crystal Palace.

Striker Bamford was deemed to be offside after pointing at where he wanted a through ball to be played to team-mate Mateusz Klich.

VAR Mike Dean ruled Bamford’s gesture left the top of his arm behind Palace’s last defender so the goal, which would have made it 1-1, was chalked off.

Leeds are set to write to the Premier League and PGMOL for clarity on VAR and the offside rule

Following a change to the interpretation of the handball rule ahead of this season, Bamford could score with that part of his arm so was adjudged to be offside.