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Jurgen Klopp faces a battle he thought he had overcome to try and get the Liverpool faithful back onside... the players insist there is no hangover from the pain of May but words appear hollow while the team continues to falter

Jurgen Klopp was seven games into his reign as Liverpool boss when he responded to the scenes unfolding around him in an unforgettable way.

It was November 2015 and Liverpool were about to lose for the first time under Klopp, 2-1 to Crystal Palace at Anfield. As the game entered stoppage time, he looked over his shoulder, did a double take, and then spun on his heels to take in the sight of sceptical supporters streaming towards the exit.

Klopp couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He was angry, initially, but eventually he appreciated the dislocation between fan base and team and vowed that it was his mission to ensure the stadium stayed full until the final whistle from then on.