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'I've seen it all as first woman sport photographer'

Related Topics: NUJ

“What you got in your handbag love, is that your knitting? Shouldn’t you be in the kitchen?”

Those were among the insults Hy Money recalls when she first entered a 1970s Selhurst Park press room.

“One chap walked up and deliberately barged into me,” she remembers. “‘Oh, sorry Sir I didn’t see you there,’ he said, trying to make his point.”

While Crystal Palace quickly embraced her as one of their own, Ms Money still faced significant barriers.

Hy Money holding a black and white picture of a crowded football stadium. Behind her is a life-sized cutout of two Crystal Palace football players in action.
Hy Money has spent decades pitch side capturing Palace's big moments

Her initial application for a National Union of Journalists (NUJ) pass was also denied due to a petition signed by 40 men.