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Hodgson outlines aims for congested Premier League close

Speaking in his pre-match press conference before Southampton, Roy Hodgson indicated his aims approaching the final few games of the season.

“I don’t think anyone wants this season to fizzle out. Most of the excitement is going to be around the final relegation spot and the top three.

“There’s a big group [of teams] who don’t have much to play for, but every Premier League game is a big occasion watched by lots of people, judged by lots of people. [So] we need to make sure the performances are good.”

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Reflecting on the fact the Saints game comes only a few days after the 2-0 win at Sheffield United, Hodgson added: “[It is] a tough programme, it’s not a given that we can take points willy nilly, but that’s what we have to try and do.