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Weekly Pebble Report: Go Spo and ABQ Awards

Related Topics: Ysaires Restituyo, Greg Jones

Time marches indelibly on and the end of the 2024 minor league season draws ever nearer. As one strange doctor once put it: “we’re in the endgame now.”

The Fresno Grizzlies—their season over—watched on as their fellow affiliates continued to play September baseball for differing reasons. The Spokane Indians sought triumph and the Hartford Yard Goats sought the promise of the same. The Albuquerque Isotopes meanwhile seek the end of a long and bumpy road with the promise of better days yet to come. This is your Weekly Pebble Report.

Triple-A: Albuquerque Isotopes (1-5, 57-87 Overall)

For the Albuquerque Isotopes, their final home stand of the season against the Las Vegas Aviators (Oakland Athletics) was representative of much that has plagued the team all season.