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Rockies’ second half to-do list: Explore trade market, fix road woes and bullpen, test young players

If we play the fantasy baseball game “could have, would have, should have,” the Rockies are a wild-card playoff contender.

Consider: When they opened the so-called “second half” of the season Friday night against the Dodgers at Coors Field, the Rockies’ record was 40-51. They were 31-17 at Coors Field but 9-34 away from home.

Now consider: The Rockies had the same overall record as Detroit. If the Rockies had the same road-winning percentage as the Tigers (.396), the Rockies would own a 17-26 mark on the road and an overall record of 48-43.

But as that famous NFL philosopher Bill Parcells once said, “You are what your record says you are.