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Q&A with Rapids' striker Kevin Doyle, talking locker-room consistency and Seattle

Related Topics: Kevin Doyle, Seattle, Richard Fleming

Richard Fleming: As a seasoned pro, do preseasons get any easier?

Kevin Doyle: Yeah, easier, I think, from when I first started. You know it’s a lot more football now, a lot more tactical, a lot more getting your fitness by chasing balls so it doesn’t seem difficult, but you’re doing just as much, but when you’ve got a football in there it’s doesn’t seem as tough. (In Europe) The first two weeks (of preseason) you probably wouldn’t touch the ball, to be honest with you, so it’s definitely more enjoyable these days.

RF: How much of that time away was needed, and what I mean by that is, spending quality time with the family, spending time with extended family, being able to recharge the batteries.