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N&N: Roberto Perez keeps homering

Related Topics: Chris Perez

Here’s to a great week!

Indians 7, Twins 5

Not the weekend we wanted, but absolutely a solid, much-needed win on Sunday. It won’t be easy to get into the playoffs, but why would I give up right now on this team? Let’s hope for a little magic these last few weeks.

From Mandy Bell:

Perez continues to increase his career-high home run numbers, launching his 23rd long ball of the season. Entering 2019, the Tribe’s backstop had hit 21 combined homers through the first five years of his career. After taking a ball off the right cheek on a ricochet off his shoulder in a plate appearance on Saturday, he added to his long laundry list of battle wounds on Sunday, taking a ball off the left knee.