The following cities and RBI leagues will be represented in this year's Jr. RBI Classic: Cincinnati (Cincinnati Reds RBI baseball and softball); Cleveland (Cleveland Baseball Federation RBI softball); Columbus, Ohio (Driving Park Youth Baseball RBI baseball); Indianapolis (Play Ball Indiana RBI softball); Louisville, Ky. (City of Louisville RBI baseball); Macon, Ga. (Macon RBI baseball); Montgomery, Ala. (River Region RBI softball); Nashville, Tenn. (Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee RBI baseball); Paterson, N.J. (Paterson RBI baseball); San Francisco (San Francisco Jr. Giants RBI baseball); and Shreveport, La. (City of Shreveport RBI baseball).
Players will participate in All-Star Week events and other off-field experiences, including rooming on a college campus, giving back to the community and meeting current and former Major Leaguers.