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So long, Oscar Gamble

Let’s take a break from picking at each other about Chief Wahoo long enough to remember former Indian Oscar Gamble.

Oscar Gamble made Buck O'Neil proud - Buck O'Neil loved to tell the story of how he discovered Gamble, according to Joe Posnanski.

Ex-Indians hitter Oscar Gamble, a 1970s baseball icon for his unique batting stance and hairdo, dead at 68 | - Ex-Cleveland Indians slugger Oscar Gamble, whose unique batting stance and Afro hairdo made him a 1970s baseball icon, is dead at 68.

Indians’ Jose Ramirez, translator Anna Bolton a winning team behind the scenes - Because Ramirez so often is in demand for interviews based on his contributions at the plate, in the field and on the bases, Bolton’s association with the 25-year-old native of the Dominican Republic has brought her into the public eye.