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Rebounding from surgery not only purpose of heavy workload for Cavaliers’ Timofey Mozgov

INDEPENDENCE: At first glance, it could have been mistaken for a Euroleague practice, with 6-foot-10 Ukrainian Vitaly Potapenko banging under the basket with 7-1 Russian Timofey Mozgov.

But Cavaliers’ center Mozgov is 29 years old, and ex-Cav Potapenko 40. The site was Cleveland Clinic Courts, and the purpose of the pair’s 50 minutes of extra work Wednesday was two-fold.

After undergoing arthroscopic surgery on his right knee on July 1, Mozgov is racing the clock to get in better game shape with the season opener Tuesday at Chicago. Cavs coach David Blatt, who also directed Mozgov with the Russian National Team, knows the best way to do that is to work Mozgov.