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My last regular column after 34 years at The Plain Dealer: Bill Livingston

CLEVELAND, Ohio - I didn't come here until 1984, when I was 35 years old, but I didn't miss much of the essential Cleveland doctrines of almost and not quite.

"The's" and other defeats

I was in the press box or press row for all the "The's" - Drive, Fumble, Shot.

I missed Red Right 88. Also Ten-Cent Beer Night. But I was there for Zombie Jose and the Blown Save. "Mesa's eyes were completely empty," said Omar Vizquel.

On the road to rings

In 34 years as a sports columnist at The Plain Dealer, I was also there the night Kenny Lofton scored from second base on a passed ball, and the Indians won the pennant, the Indians won the pennant, and they went crazy!