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Savvy vet Tank Carder poised to take on bigger role in middle of Browns D

Related Topics: Gregg Williams, Tank Carder

couldn’t help but notice how the Browns defense had a distinct edge to it by the end of offseason workouts.

The veteran linebacker says it starts with new coordinator Gregg Williams, who has Carder and other members of the unit feeling bullish before Thursday’s first training camp practice.

“He takes everything into account and he brings everybody together,” Carder said in June. “ it’s not like, DBs you all do this, linebackers you all do this. He coaches team concepts as far as like, ‘OK, everybody needs to be on the same page as far as the way we think, the way our minds work, the way we need to go about winning and the way we need to go about working and the way we need to go about practicing.