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Browns' Caleb Brantley's attorney expects a resolution 'very soon' and 'in Mr. Brantley's favor'

CLEVELAND, Ohio - The attorney for Browns' sixth-round pick Caleb Brantley expects her client to be cleared soon in the misdemeanor battery investigation, she told Thursday.

"I expect a resolution of this case very soon and I expect it to be resolved in Mr. Brantley's favor,'' said attorney Amy Osteryoung of Johnson and Osteryoung, P.A.

In a related development, the complainant, Chelsea Austin, has hired a new legal team to handle her case, according to the Tampa Bay Times. She had previously retained North Florida Lawyers.

Brantley, the Florida defensive tackle who tumbled from the projected second round to the sixth, is accused in a sworn affidavit of punching Austin in the face with a closed fist, knocking her unconscious and displacing a tooth that will require a root canal outside a Gainesville, Fla.