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Clemson’s 2020 football schedule has dramatic changes

Though the ACC did not announce any formal dates to Clemson’s new 2020 football schedule on Wednesday, the league did announce it will go to a 10+1 model for the upcoming season.

As The Clemson Insider reported last Thursday, the Tigers will play 10 conference games this coming year, including at Notre Dame. The ACC said each conference opponent maybe also play one non-conference opponent that is from its home state. That likely means the Clemson-South Carolina Game will continue its streak as the second longest uninterrupted series in college football.

Below is what the ACC released as Clemson’s new ACC schedule:

  • Home games: Boston College, Miami, Pitt, Syracuse and Virginia
  • Away games: FSU, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame, Virginia Tech and Wake Forest

As you can tell Clemson picked up conference games against Miami, Pitt and Virginia Tech, while NC State and Louisville, which were home games, fell off from the original schedule.