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2018 Clemson Football Season Review - Defensive Line

Coming into the 2018 season, the hype surrounding Clemson’s defensive line was unbelievable. I predicted it would have four 1st rounders, many said it would be the best line ever, they could stop the run, the pass, they could play offense, they found Jimmy Hoffa’s body (turns out he was deep in Auburn’s backfield), banned the woo-hoo, and about a half dozen other amazing feats all coming into 2018.

They did not disappoint, let’s get started.

What can I say about Wilkins that I haven’t said in one of my other defensive line preview/reviews? Not a lot, actually, so I’ll let those previous articles do the talking:

This dude has been a demigod since he stepped on campus, playing every position under the sun at some point and doing it well.