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Shogo, Barnhart Gold Glove finalists; Bauer named Outstanding Pitcher

It’s probably just me, an idiot, who has a weird reaction when discussing annual Gold Glove Awards. Every time I think about it, I picture a talented baseball defender flying across the diamond in an attempt to snag a wayward pop-fly, only to extend his glove and have the ball bang off his metal mitt like a mallet banging a gong.

Perhaps a Feather Glove Award is more appropriate. A Tempur-Pedic Memoryfoam Award?

I digress.

The Gold Glove Award, which is called such because of the trophy (obviously), is a celebration of great defense that’s doled out to every position in every league upon the completion of each regular season, and despite the nebulous methods behind how winners are chosen, it’s a pretty damn respectable thing to win.