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Cactus League, Game 13 - Cincinnati Reds play Cactus League baseball for 13th time this year

The Cincinnati Reds have been rippin’ and rollin’ through Cactus League play of late, winning a decent number of ballgames that are somewhat hard to define given that they spent the last weekend playing split-squad games all over the American West.

Anyway, the 125 hits they’ve launched so far this spring ranks as the second most of any team in the game, to date, while their .369 team OBP (6th) and .825 team OPS (8th) also rank well amongst their peers. On top of that, the 19 steals they’ve combined to accrue so far ranks as the most of any team in the game, perhaps an indication that the new rules and larger bases could well provide a new wrinkle to how this offense operates in the upcoming season.