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No end in sight: Twins 6, White Sox 2

Three hits, two walks, and nine Ks. If it were a pitching line (hey, ace Garrett Crochet threw today, so ... maybe?) that’s wonderful, but, nope, this is the 2024 Chicago White Sox. OF COURSE we’re talking about the batting line.

No. 9 hitter Korey Lee pretty much was the offense; remove the No. 9 hitter from the mix and the White Sox had ONE HIT and ONE WALK tonight.

The starter was asked to weigh in on the team’s record 19-game losing streak (longer than all but five losing streaks since 1906), and in the deliberate pauses in his answer you almost wonder if, on the fly, he’s reconsidering his trade deadline demands over his use and contract future:

Garrett Crochet pic.