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The best part of players’ weekend is the gear

I’m pretty excited it’s player’s weekend. It’s way more than just nicknames on jerseys and special hats. It’s the one time of the year that MLB embraces their player’s personalities and let’s them show off their gear a bit. MLB doesn’t always do the best job celebrating their players. So this is a fun way for fans to peak behind the curtain a bit and learn a bit more about our favorite players.

BCBer explosiononimpact wrote a pretty good FanPost a couple weeks ago covering the player nicknames, so rather than rehashing that (although I have to give a shoutout to Jon Lester for getting into the spirit of the weekend this year with the ridiculously creative name description, Lefthander) I wanted to take a look at some of the cooler images from yesterday’s game and who I thought brought their A-game in terms of gear for players’ weekend.